Monday, May 18, 2009

The LeaderShape Institute: Recovery

I can't believe that this time last week, I was packing for Illinois, and now I'm back already. To be quite honest, I am utterly depressed. You know that feeling when you recognize that one of the best moments of your life has passed? Perhaps not. I get them from time to time, and I swear they suck all the happiness out of me. I think Audrey Hepburn's character Holly Golightly accurately described them as the "mean reds" in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

In any case, it's not the week that caused the mean reds. It's the aftermath. I want my life to always feel the way it did in that small town outside of Champaign. Instead, I'll spend the next three weeks working two jobs and preparing for D.C. I know this summer is going to change my life (it already has), but the waiting hurts.

I am physically and emotionally exhausted right now.

I'll post "The LeaderShape Institute: Review" when I'm feeling a little better.

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