Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lagging with Updates, but Not Jet-Lagged

I'm baaaaaack!

I have so much to write, but I should probably sleep soon to once again regulate my schedule.

Expect Germany stories in installments throughout the week.

A picture preview:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Celebration of Two Eves

Today marks the one year anniversary of Eve Carson's death.

Time has passed so quickly. Campus wounds are scabbing over. A few years from now, we'll carry the permanent scar. Healed, but with the ever-present memory.

That Eve still makes an impact from beyond says so much about her strength of character. She brought the campus together countless times as student body president. We're all together for her again.

She inspires me to be better. I know I'm not the only one.

On another note, I'm going to Germany tomorrow. It's the eve of my trip. And today was absolutely beautiful.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Her Morning Elegance

I love, love, love this song. It reminds me of The Beatles' "She's Leaving Home," except with more hope.

The video's not too shabby either.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

In like a lion, as promised

March has really pulled through on fulfilling that old weather adage, "In like a lion, out like a lamb."

Well, actually, so far we've only got the former confirmed. But warm weather absolutely must arrive ASAP. Try as I might to summon up spring-and-summer feelings with bright clothes and optimism, my enthusiasm is fading fast. I need the real deal, real soon!

It rained all weekend, then gradually got colder, then culminated in an overnight snow flurry that covered campus Monday morning.

In my mind, the only purpose snow really serves is to get residents of the South out of unfavorable obligations. In this case, classes and work. But in typical Carolina tradition, everything operated on a normal schedule beginning at 10 a.m. Which is conveniently the time of my first class.

I would happily stay a second semester sophomore for quite awhile. Can that opportunity please, please come packaged with sunshine?