Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another week in pictures

No time for extensive updates, but here's another picture synopsis of my week:

I admired Julie Childs' kitchen for hours at the American History Smithsonian. I'm definitely going to have pegboard to hang up all my pans someday, ya hear?

I enjoyed trivia night with my district friends. We did not win the game, but we were the happiest team, which counts for more anyway. In trivia and in life.

The program went to Mount Vernon today. So gorgeous inside, and a lovely day to boot. My kitchen with the pegboard storage will be inside my own lovingly restored historic home, ideally.

I also tried Ethiopian food on Saturday. Amazing. Will elaborate on the experience further at a later date since there is clearly no sense in me promising next-day updates when I consistently fail at them.

Tomorrow, I intend to bike along the Potomac for as long as physically possible. Walking in high heels is not a sufficient workout.

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