Monday, September 8, 2008

A small step for the GOP, a huge step backwards for ME (and all American women)

Okay, I swear I'm not making the transition to a political blog. And I'm also aware of the fact that I'm over a week late in responding to McCain's V.P. pick. But I do give myself credit for waiting long enough to learn about Palin before passing judgment. Now I feel entitled.

I am absolutely horrified by her representation of women. Actually, it bothers me that her sex is a huge deal in the first place. Shouldn't her political policies be more important than her vagina? I thought we'd moved past this discrimination, folks. Then, with all of the issues being raised about how Palin raises her children, it's become clear that sex is still ever-so-important. Child rearing is rarely called into question when male politicians are involved.

What does bother me about the way she's raised her children, however, are her hypocritical beliefs. She said Bristol had a choice about whether or not to have her child. That's funny, because while Bristol had a choice, Palin's rigid pro-life doctrine wouldn't allow others that decision. I also feel quite certain that not all young women are fortunate enough to grow up in a supportive environment with the sufficient funds to raise a child. And clearly Palin's belief in abstinence-only education failed too. If it doesn't work with the daughter she raised for the past 17 years, how will other women be more receptive?

I guess what bothers me most is how eerily 1984/Fahrenheit 451-esque the situation has become. Trying to fire a librarian for not taking books Palin didn't agree with out of the library? Believing that the Iraq war and an oil pipeline in Alaska are God's missions? I'm sorry, but I don't want that God, nor anyone who believes in that God, to run our country.

The truth is, I'm terrified of what's to come. I can't imagine living in a virtual theocracy; the very thought makes my ovaries cringe. And yet I also fear what could happen to Obama if he won. At a time when my faith in America was finally being restored, I can't say I'm optimistic.

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