Today it occurred to me that even if I don't have time to actually post a substantial entry, I should always try to write
something. Looking back on my Xanga Archives from 2004-06, I realized the importance of documenting life, from the mundane to the momentous. Experiences I thought would be in my memory forever have escaped me, and I'm left treasuring these sporadic Xanga posts from high school as my only documentation of those four years. (Granted, they weren't the highlight of my first 19 years, but living one's greatest legacy in high school would be tragic indeed.) Despite my often petty remarks, I won't even pretend that I wasn't talented. And those intensely coded layouts I created... What happened to that Web-savvy girl?!
From now on, I am going to try sincerely to update weekly. Writing is and has always been my creative outlet. (Thanks mom, for transcribing my earliest works!) So, as this entry title suggests, I'm going to take this time to look back. Here's me, 4 years & 2 days ago on a Monday just like this one, except as a sophomore in high school:
Oh yeah. Another exciting Monday over and done with.
Just got back from the Key Club meeting. God I feel like such a loser saying that. Seriously, I wish I didn't have to be a well-rounded person and join all these clubs just to get into college. If they knew me, they'd love me, clubs or not.
So today. Oh-so fun.
Civics and Economics- Took a quiz, aced it. This class is a joke for the most part. We just learn about Mr. Huff's life. Today we found out how he got out of his many tickets for speeding, etc. Of course I remember the stories but I don't remember of the stuff we "learned." He knows that though, which is good. He really doesn't care. Thank goodness I have this class first thing in the morning!
Geometry- I sat there bored for most of the period. I should probably pay more attention, but whatever. I'm doing okay so far. I'll start to listen when I start doing bad in there. At least I have Katherine in there, she makes the class 9,873,458 times better.
English- Went to the library again today and worked on our Finding Nemo project. It ain't gonna be good, that's for sure. I mean, we definitely worked for the whole period but it was realllly hard to get it all done. Who knows if our skit will even meet the 3.5 minute mark. Oh well. It's a minor grade?
Spanish- Um. We studied the pledge. I'm thinking of memorizing it by tomorrow so I can get extra credit and be an over-achiever. Somehow I don't think this language gets easier, so I'll probably being needing the extra credit at some point.
And that's it? Basically today was a waste of time. I'll be the first one to admit that I like learning new things, but not like this. I hate waking up early, I hate doing hours of homework, and I hate having to sit for like 6 hours a day.
But on a lighter note, my life is going well :-) I won't complain too much, I mean, I know I just did, but everything's going by really fast. And I think this whole year will go by fast. (With luck!)
Hope everyone's doing well. Just remember that you create your own happiness. So if you don't have any, go make some.
Try not to take that in the cheesy advice column sort of way!
I'm gonna start writing my "Slackers' Way to Success" Book soon... so be on the lookout for it on the New York Time's Bestseller List. Yeah. Nice idea Katherine!"
Upon re-reading that, I've determined that perhaps I'm not so different after all. Except, of course, I would never, ever, say, "I'm doing bad" regarding anything. I don't "do bad," but if I had to do something similar, I would "do poorly" instead. I still, however, go into manic panic about my future, though instead of getting into college, now it's all about getting a job.
I do enjoy the perspective I've gained from this little nostalgic activity. I worried about classes then, I'm worried about classes now. Why do I create that stress for myself? My time and energy would be far better suited for other pursuits. I need to stop being such a worry wart. I also need to stop wishing that time would move more quickly because, if anything, I've learned that the only time we have is now. I guess that can be my goal for the semester, in addition to completing assignments two days before they're due. How's that for an unattainable goal?
And, okay, I will take some advice from my past self. I can create happiness in every moment of my life if I so choose. While I'll always need a reason to be upset or angry, I never need a reason to be happy. The power of the blog will not allow me to forget this epiphany, a service that is definitely necessary. Otherwise all of my nails will be bitten away by this time next week.